A Novelette for Children

“Wait by the pear tree for Christopher Marchant to arrive. He has news for Kerry, his friend. Something he has found on the road by the fjord promises great fortune or disaster. Will you travel with him, around his home of Malintown, as he discovers things true and maybe real?”
After helping an old lady on a quiet road at dusk outside Malintown, Christopher finds a little silver box dropped on the path. He vows to return the box to its rightful owner with the help of his friend Kerry, but together they soon encounter many unscrupulous and greedy people determined to get for themselves the little box and all that is inside it.
This is a story that teaches how the beginning of life’s greatest adventures are often marked by meeting another person with intentions we do not yet understand.
Close in style to Hans Christian Andersen’s longer fairy tales, and set in a charmingly simple world, this quest to reunite an old lady with her lost trinket is for children of ages 7-10 and readers of all ages who enjoy tales like The Snow Queen.
Print Length: 36 pages
Publication Date: December 9, 2016
Ages: 7-10