I’m delighted to announce the forthcoming release of my children’s illustrated book, Love Song. Produced in collaboration with the Italian illustrator, Francesca Filomena, Love Song is slated for release May 21st, 2020, and will be the second book in my collection of Storybooks for All Ages.
Love Song and The Flowerdrops (released earlier this month) have been the main focus of my creative energy over the past eighteen months. I was perhaps too balanced in the amount of time I spent between them, because they have come to be ready within two months of each other! Given this, I considered staggering their release dates by a wider margin, but I’m very happy with both books and want Love Song to see the light of day sooner rather than later. So Love Song will be released hot on the heels of The Flowerdrops, and we’ll see what comes of it.
A Songbird Must Sing
Love Song is a more traditional children’s narrative than The Flowerdrops. Set amongst the ruins of a long-lost city, it’s the story of a songbird whose heart gets broken. He decides he will no longer sing because of this, but his heart soon gives him a stark and simple warning on the matter:
“A songbird must sing,” replied his heart. “That is all I know.”
And so our songbird must set out to find his voice again. Naturally, he has some adventures on the way, and all of them are beautifully illustrated by Francesca.
Here is one of the book’s interior spreads. And yes, Francesca’s artwork really is that stunning on every page.

In the weeks between now and the launch date, I’ll post more about Love Song. Good news is that the book’s interior is complete and ready for print, and the cover will be finalized this weekend. It’s great to see it all coming together.
I hope this storybook will be enjoyed by readers of ages 7/8+ through to adulthood. Francesca’s artwork will, I’m sure, please all ages.